PT GGC Sertifikasi Indonesia

PT GGC Sertifikasi Indonesia

Nama Perusahaan      : PT GGC Sertifikasi Indonesia

Nomor Akreditasi       : LSUHK-023-IDN

Ruang Lingkup           : Lihat Disini

Visi – Misi perusahaan


1.PT. GGC SERTIFIKASI INDONESIA, aim to be recognized as a world leading one-stop certification services company to the corporate world.

2.We managed our business values to provide productive, fulfilling and safe environment for employees, legendary service for customers, enhanced values for shareholders and mutually beneficial outcomes for all stakeholders.


1. Our mission is to collaboratively maintain high standards in sustainability of social, environment and safety to meet the certification needs of business.

2. Ensuring our team is highly competent without compromising on integrity, quality and honesty of our services to provide the most credible global compliance processes agreeing to the certification and accreditation programs.      

Alamat                         : Gedung Hanurata, Jl. Kebon Sirih 67-69, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta

Telephone                    : (021) 21231598

                                       081356577110 (WA)

Email                             :

Website                         :

Media sosial                  :