PT Intertek Utama Services


Nama Perusahaan      : PT Intertek Utama Services

Nomor Akreditasi       : LSUHK-006-IDN

Ruang Lingkup           : Lihat Disini

Visi – Misi perusahaan


To be a leading premier global solution provider for all our customers’ auditing and management systems needs and to support their growth in the international marketplace, in support of Intertek’s Mission Statement.


  1. Add Value To our customers’ products and processes, to support their global trade
  2. Act With Integrity, honesty, and respect
  3. Innovate deliver outstanding solutions to sharpen our customers’ competitive edge in the marketplace

Alamat : Beltway Office Park Building A, 2nd Floor. Jl. Ampera Raya No. 9 – 10 Jakarta Selatan 12550 – Indonesia

Telephone                      : 021 78830151

Email                              :

Website                         :

Media sosial                  : BA Intertek Indonesia